In today’s DailyCyber Podcast I discuss the 25% increase in Ransomware in the first quarter in 2020. What to know and what should you do. Here are some facts for you from the Beazley Breach Insight Report: * Manufacturing Sector 156 % increase off incidents quarter to quarter * Financial Sector and Healthcare continue to be the most affected which together account to almost 50% of all ransomware attacks reported in Q1 of 2020
In today’s DailyCyber Podcast I discuss the 25% increase in Ransomware in the first quarter in 2020. What to know and what should you do.
Here are some facts for you from the Beazley Breach Insight Report:
-Manufacturing Sector 156 % increase off incidents quarter to quarter
-Financial Sector and Healthcare continue to be the most affected which together account to almost 50% of all ransomware attacks reported in Q1 of 2020
Q1 2020 Ransomware incidents:
26% Financial Institution
24% Healthcare
9% Manufacturing
7% Professional services
6% Retail
6% Education
For more information
How to protect you and your company:
1. Security systems are up to date
2. Work from home systems
1. Are up to date and patched
2. Have up to date endpoint and/or anti-virus protection
3. Home network is secure
4. VPN connect to work
5. Family members on the home network are secure as well
3. Cyber Security Awareness training
1. For employees and their families who are using the home network
4. Corporate polices are up to date
1. Acceptable Use Policy
2. Disaster Recovery
3. Business Continuity
4. Incident Response
5. Breach Response
To learn more watch the video or listen to the podcast at and comment below